To create a calm, happy, productive atmosphere for children and staff through positive management in an environment which reflects care, respect and support for each other.
To provide a stimulating working environment which promotes and encourages learning in which children show interest and enthusiasm in their work.
To be consciously aware of the need for inclusive educational provision to ensure equality of opportunity with regard to individual needs and abilities.
To develop a child-centred and enquiry-based curriculum which encourages children to become independent and imaginative thinkers whilst still acquiring a range of basic skills
To provide opportunities for children to achieve their full potential: intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically and to encourage children to have high hopes.
To facilitate children’s achievement and potential by setting high standards reflected in a carefully planned programme of monitoring and assessment.
To respond to the benefits of interaction with the wider community and to pursue active commitment with parents in supporting children’s learning.
To educate children to see themselves as citizens of a capital city, as responsible members of a local community and as members of a school community with a duty to care for each other and be valued in return.