Islington Computing Progression KS1
Islington Computing Progression KS2
At Grafton we follow The Islington Scheme of Work for Computer Science which has been developed following work by The National Centre for Computer Science Education who have devised a comprehensive computer science package driven by the DfE and the National Curriculum.
Essentially the Islington Scheme follows the NCCSE’s programme:
……but with additons from LgFl especially around the forum of safeguarding and on-line safety where additional lessons are planned in which take into account the current challenges in this area.
This ambitious scheme of work provides meaningful activities that build term by term and year by year and is part of a larger piece of work of sequenced learning that ultimately ends with successful outcomes at GCSE.
SEND children are supported to meet the goals of learning through additional adult support and adaptions to learning by, for example, adapting previous year’s objectives where necessary.
Overtime children learn more and remember more with key aspects repeated and /or developed and deepened across various applications within the three areas of Digital Literacy, Programing and Information Technology.
Safe use of computers and the on-line world is a key aspect of the computer curriculum. At Grafton we teach children how to be safe on-line and give them skills to make informed decisions e.g. in Year 5 children consider the impact of websites and marketing and how information that is pushed to us can make us change our behaviours. Children also have regular reminders and are expected to recall what they should do if they feel unsafe on-line. They are reminded of their conduct, how to select appropriate content and what to do if they view inappropriate content or the contacts they make are in appropriate.
Involving parents and carers is also key and our partnership with the home is well developed through regular email updates and sessions in school when restrictions permit.